San Mateo, Calif. - Luxology LLC, an independent technology company developing next-generation 3D content creation software, announced “The Alley,” six new tutorials that explain how to ha ...
October 29, 2007
Oklahoma City - Upgrade 2007: Evolving Art & Filmmaking has debuted as Oklahoma's first annual computer graphics, animation, and gaming forum exploring what it takes to develop, cultivate, and maintai ...
October 26, 2007
Sophia Antipolis, France - UK-based Reichholdarts ( ) has used RealViz photo stitching software, Stitcher Unlimited, in the creation of panoramic pictures that make up the Connec ...
New Orleans - Turbo Squid, provider of royalty-free 3D assets, announced the availability of its 3D application plug-in, Tentacles, for Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 modeling, animation, and rendering softwar ...
October 25, 2007
Minneapolis - The Dimension 3D Printing Group, a business unit of Stratasys Inc., announced teacher incentives for encouraging students to participate in its fourth annual "Extreme Redesign: The Ultim ...
October 24, 2007
Oak Park, Calif. - Digital Film Tools has unveiled Power Stroke Version 1.0, a stroke-based, color-correction, colorization, and special effects plug-in, and Power Matte 1.0, an interactive image-matt ...
Glendale, Calif. - Modern VideoFilm, Hollywood’s premiere feature film and television postproduction facility, was instrumental in managing and completing all the post work on Gone Baby Gone, th ...
Honolulu, Hawaii - PHASE 2 International, a provider of hosted business applications, announced the availability of ShareCAD for AutoCAD, a centralized platform based on Microsoft SharePoint for contr ...
October 23, 2007
Hollywood, Calif. - Gnomon School of Visual Effects and the VES presents: Ratatouille: Shot-Breakdown Series with special guest Apurva Shah, effects supervisor for Ratatouille, on Thursday, November 1 ...
October 22, 2007
San Francisco, Calif. - Red Giant Software, developer of professional digital video tools such as Magic Bullet and Knoll Light Factory, has reached an agreement with Digieffects to acquire Cinelook.