Digital-Tutors Releases Complete Production Pipeline Series
August 8, 2010

Digital-Tutors Releases Complete Production Pipeline Series

Oklahoma City, Ok. - Digital-Tutors, maker of what is being called the first streaming and offline e-learning platform for emerging digital artists, announced its Infiltrator Production Pipeline Series. The series is an all-new training collection that covers the entire production process from concept to completion with design and storyboarding, modeling, rigging, match moving, animation, rendering, and compositing using such media and entertainment software applications as Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk MatchMover, and Autodesk Mudbox.
Digital-Tutors Infiltrator Production Pipeline Series presents students, educators, professionals, and hobbyists with a step-by-step guide to learning a solid production workflow with tips and techniques that make understanding complex topics easy to practice and implement. With more than 27 hours of in-depth educational material, the in-house team of experienced instructors at Digital-Tutors teaches the production pipeline essentials to achieving high-quality creative visions and delivering compelling, cutting-edge results.

Digital-Tutors training is available with the purchase of any subscription plan.