Looking Glass Portrait Starts Shipping
April 27, 2021

Looking Glass Portrait Starts Shipping

BROOKLYN, NY – Looking Glass Factory, a leader in holographic light field display technology, has started shipping the first personal holographic display, Looking Glass Portrait. This lightweight, portrait-oriented system is not only the most advanced holographic display, but it is also the most affordable and easy to use, making it ideal for anyone who wants to view, create, and experience true-to-life, 3D holographic images, video, and applications right on their desktop. 

Looking Glass Portrait captured the attention of the world with its successful Kickstarter campaign –– a campaign that raised over $2.5M and surpassed the crowdfunding goals of Oculus back in 2012. The display is designed for the millions of people who’ve yearned for a holographic future or who work or play in 3D in any way: artists, designers, developers, filmmakers, photographers, early adopters, and those just starting to explore three-dimensional capture and creation. You don't need to know how to program to use this holographic display. All you need is a computer and a phone with Portrait mode to get started. 

“The shipment of our Looking Glass Portrait holographic displays marks a new step forward in the evolution of holography,” said Shawn Frayne, CEO of Looking Glass Factory. “Long relegated to enterprises that could afford them, Looking Glass Portrait opens the world of 3D holograms to individuals around the world. It is a new canvas for creating and for sharing, and we can’t wait to see what people make.”

The system will ship with a number of standalone demos, including a volumetric video from Microsoft Mixed Reality Capture Studios, which enables users to upload, edit and showcase 100s of 3D holographic images –– family pictures, portraits, 3D characters, and more –– on an infinite loop. Support for Azure Kinect, Intel RealSense and iPhone cameras with Portrait mode capabilities enable people to capture holographic video and share those videos with other Looking Glass Portrait users. It’s the first step toward holographic video calls. For more advanced users, the Portrait display will support all of the integrations and development software listed on the Looking Glass website, such as the integrations for Unreal engine, Unity, and Blender, enabling developers and artists to create and share a range of interactive applications and 3D art.

Orders for Looking Glass Portrait system are being accepted now at http://look.glass/portrait for $249 each.