GPU Technology Conference (GTC), taking place March 18-21 in San Jose, California, will offer a special track focusing on media and entertainment, bringing together leading feature-film and television producers, visual effects artists, postproduction professionals, broadcasters, software developers and more from around the world.
GTC advances global awareness of GPU computing, computer graphics, game development, mobile computing, and cloud computing through world-class educational opportunities including technical sessions, panel discussions, tutorials, and roundtables.
As GTC expands in 2013, more sessions and content will focus on how GPUs are being used to improve workflows in media and entertainment. Sessions will cover:
High frame rate/stereo/4K production workflows and technologies
On-set previsualization and dailies
VFX, including image processing, physics-based effects, and GPU rendering
Live broadcast graphics and augmented reality

NVIDIA CEO/President Jen-Hsun Huang at last year's conference.
NVIDIA will have industry luminaries on hand to offer insights into cutting-edge M&E technology. Current speakers include:
Douglas Trumbull (Academy Award-winning VFX pioneer) will share insights on the future of hi-res, high frame rate filmmaking.
Gerhard Lang (Chief Engineering Officer, vizrt) will discuss how GPUs changed the look of broadcast graphics and the role they will play as content delivery shifts from traditional distribution to IP-based delivery.
Joachim Zell (VP, Imaging Science, EFILM) will describe his custom on-set and DI workflows, which ensure calibrated images for hits including
The Avengers and
Dirk Van Gelder (Engineering Lead, Pixar) will talk about OpenSubdiv, a new open source library for drawing subdivision surfaces with GPU acceleration that Pixar uses internally for animated feature film production.
Daniel Simon (Vehicle Designer) will offer insight into his process for designing 3D automotive concepts for clients including Formula 1, Lotus, Warner Bros., Universal, Disney, and Bugatti.
Tim Heidmann (Chief Instigator, Serious Intent) will describe his work on AC Liveline, an advanced augmented reality graphics system designed for the Americas Cup.
Jules Urbach (Founder and CEO, OTOY Inc.) will share his vision of a production pipeline that delivers real-time photoreal graphics, from performance capture to GPU-based rendering for film and interactive rendering for games.
Sharif Elcott (R&D, Weta Digital) will discuss how GPU-based interactive preview reduced artist iteration times and improved Weta’s pipeline efficiency on films such as
The Hobbit and
The Adventures of Tintin.
For more information, please visit:
Register to attend GTC 2013 here:
NVIDIA awakened the world to computer graphics when it invented the GPU n 1999. Today, its processors power a broad range of products from smartphones to supercomputers. NVIDIA’s mobile processors are used in cell phones, tablets, and auto infotainment systems. PC gamers rely on GPUs to enjoy spectacularly immersive worlds. Professionals use them to create 3D graphics and visual effects in movies and to design everything from golf clubs to jumbo jets. And researchers utilize GPUs to advance the frontiers of science wit high performance computing. The company has more than 5,000 patents issued, allowed or filed, including ones covering ideas essential to modern computing. For more information, see