Mateo, Calif. - Luxology LLC, developer of modern, artist-focused 3D
software, has launched a new asset-sharing Web site that serves as a
participatory content-sharing portal and learning resource.
Users are now able to upload and download Presets of all kinds, as well as exchange associated usage tips and techniques with other artists. Introduced with modo 401 software, the custom-developed site provides modo artists an online resource for content re-utilization.
The new asset-sharing Web site is an extension of the streamlined workflow in modo 401 that facilitates the re-use of assets throughout the content creation process. Users can browse through the site's visual interface to select Presets, such as realistic surface materials, 3D meshes, profile curves, animation assemblies, and professionally designed lighting environments, which can all be used in modo 401. Artists and designers can also upload images and other assets to the site to share them with the rest of the modo community. To facilitate asset re-use, the site enables searches by category, popularity, or keyword.

The site also offers artists the opportunity to learn new techniques used by others in the creation of Presets, as well as a way to provide tips on how to use each asset. For example, when a material Preset is uploaded, the structure and components of the material are automatically displayed into a form that lets modo users understand how materials will look and act in modo's Shader Tree, says a representative. Users can also accompany their contributions with text, video, and images that explain in detail how a particular asset can be used.
"I've already found the asset sharing site to be a fantastic resource," says Yazan Malkosh, a 3D artist and modo 401 beta tester. "Browsing the assets currently available online, including various materials, environments, meshes, assemblies and profiles, is very motivational -- I've already used a number of them in addition to contributing my own. I'll be checking back regularly whenever I have a new project."