Buckinghamshire, UK - In line with the upcoming release of DX
Studio Version 3.1, software developers Worldweaver Ltd. have launched a new competition for best demo made using the DX Studio
platform. This year’s contest sees the additional twist of a theme
based on the idea Where Are They Now? Entrants must feature a lead
or supporting character from a once famous game and suggest what they
might be up to now.
“Last year’s contest was very popular and a number of the entries are now being developed into commercial games. This year we wanted to open up the contest to non-gaming applications too, and by having a theme we can really challenge entrants creativity whilst ensuring everyone starts from a level playing field,” says operations director Bob Sterling.

The competition is now up and running and has a closing date of 17 September 2009. Prizes worth more than GBP 2000 are up for grabs (including GBP 1000 in cash) with individual awards for Best Overall, Best Innovation, and Best Design. The winning demos will also be made available to play on the DX Studio Web site.
Full details of the competition can be found at www.dxstudio.com.