- At the Macworld awards held in
London, Maxon's flagship 3D software, Cinema 4D, won "Macworld Best
Animation and 3D Product 2009." The win makes Cinema 4D the most awarded 3D application on the Mac in
the UK, according to a company representative. Cinema 4D has now gained seven Mac awards in the UK: Macworld Best 3D App in 2003, 2006, and now 2009;
and MacUser Best 3D App in 2000, 2001, 2004, and 2007.
The nominees for the award of Best 3D App were: Cinema 4D, Autodesk Maya 2009, Autodesk ImageModeler 2009, Boris Continuum Complete 6, and Carrara 7 Pro.

Macworld said: "Cinema 4D is now a fully cocoa-native app and one of the few apps available that can take full advantage of Apple's 64-bit operating system. This allows you to render hugely complicated scenes in a single pass and we must say that it works well without a hint of drama. Not forgetting that Cinema 4D still boasts the awesome MoGraph module, a feature-packed character animation tool set, and hair and cloth simulation, we doubt that there's an easier-to-use, better-integrated and feature-rich 3D tool set out there."
The 2009 award was collected by Maxon UK managing director Liam Stacy. Liam said, "It is a great honor that Cinema 4D has been recognized for a third time as Macworld's Best 3D App of the Year. I was also delighted that special guests were able to attend the event with us -- staff from Jigsaw and Trams, two of our top resellers. They have played a big part in spreading the word about Cinema 4D's power and ease of use, giving excellent advice to customers. We thank them for their brilliant support."