Somerville, Mass. - 89 Editorial's Duncan Shepherd has teamed up with director Tom Krueger for a new video from rock legends U2. The
video features U2 playing to a small crowd in an intimate venue in
Somerville, Massachusetts. The Somerville Theater is known for being
the first place the band originally played in the US. Kreuger shot the
video on eight HD CAM cameras and four HDV camcorders, resulting
in a variety of interesting, ever-shifting camera angles.
Shepherd and Kreuger worked closely to choose a grade for each camera
to achieve various bleach bypass looks, giving them a set of dailies
similar to the type of graded dailies of a traditional, film-shot music
video, reveals a representative. By using multiple cameras in such a
manner, the crew was able to tweak individual shots as they went along.
order to avoid the flat, unfilmlike finish that often accompanies HD
footage, Duncan edited the whole project on Apple's Final Cut Pro in HD
format and used the program's internal color correction to apply a more
interesting look and feel to the dailies before commencing shot
selection. The process of editing the video was a watershed moment for
89, which was able to output a finished, uncompressed HD edit straight
to the Smoke/Flame suite from a laptop using Final Cut Pro, rather than
replicating all the work "online" at a later stage, saving time and
money and allowing them to spend more time on digital cleanup.
crew found that, while there were still good reasons for editing many
projects "offline" in SD, individual projects -- like this U2 video --
are ideally suited for editing with this new technology.
dictated by cost, time constraints, or simple creative realities,
editors, directors and producers have a range of options open to them
that previously were unrealistic or impractical," notes 89's Duncan.
"The fact that all this power is available on set, or even in a field
in the middle of Wyoming just shows that the way we've been editing all
these years may be about to get a lot more fun. I wouldn't say that
I've made a total conversion yet, but, being a bit of a control freak,
I like having the power to do the finish work, too, and this could get
The Creds:
Artist: U2
Song Title: Magnificent
DP/Director: Tom Krueger
Post/Effects: Headlight
EP: Steve Holiner
Editorial: 89 Edit
Editor: Duncan Shepherd
Managing Director: Sharon Lew
Shoot Location: Somerville, Massachusetts