Recent Blog Posts in June 2009

  • Believable CG Spaceships

    Posted By Martin McEachern

    Star Trek had a stellar opening this spring, raking in over $222 million in just 31 days. While the crew is new, and the franchise has been stripped of its usually weighty themes, in favor of an action-packed thrill ride replete with shaky ... Continue reading "Believable CG Spaceships" »

    June 23, 2009 | Permalink

  • A Film by the Great Hugh Jeego

    Posted By Martin McEachern

    Not long ago, I found myself in a large visual effects studio watching an animator pouring his heart into the performance of a cute, stick-like alien with big saucer-shaped eyes. The animator’s name is Dave. He stands up, bleary-eyed from exhaustion, ... Continue reading "A Film by the Great Hugh Jeego " »

    June 23, 2009 | Permalink | Comments(0)

  • Casualties of the Recession

    Posted By Martin McEachern

    The econopocalypse has blazed a path of destruction through every sector of the economy—leaving Chrysler and now GM in bankruptcy. Now, it looks like the wave of destruction is bearing down on the effects industry, too, refuting the theory that this ... Continue reading "Casualties of the Recession" »

    June 23, 2009 | Permalink | Comments(0)

  • Real-time optical flow tracking

    Posted By Barbara Robertson

    Real-time optical flow tracking – a video that NVIDIA posted is here: Amazing. I just wrote about optical flow in my Night at the Museum 2 story for the June issue, which –will be online soon-ish. The crew ... Continue reading "Real-time optical flow tracking" »

    June 17, 2009 | Permalink | Comments(0)

  • I’m fascinated with Google’s new Wave

    Posted By Barbara Robertson

    I’m fascinated with Google’s new Wave, a communication tool (to say the least) developed by the guys who created Google Maps. I suspect that it might be useful in studios… worth checking out, anyway. Here’s a link to the amazingly tech-savvy Tim ... Continue reading "I’m fascinated with Google’s new Wave" »

    June 3, 2009 | Permalink | Comments(0)

  • Just wanted to say ...

    Posted By Barbara Robertson

    Just wanted to say I saw Up in stereo 3D last night after seeing it in 2D at a press junket a couple months ago and I loved it all over again. Did I love it more than in 2D? It was definitely magical seeing the images I’d seen before open up and push ... Continue reading "Just wanted to say ..." »

    June 2, 2009 | Permalink | Comments(1)