Holographic Artist Web Sites
Issue: Volume: 31 Issue: 7 (July 2008)

Holographic Artist Web Sites

The July 2008 issue of Computer Graphics World contained the feature “Holographic Art,” which examined artists who are venturing into the brave new world of 3D holographic imaging and the facilities where digital holography can be studied. Following are the Web sites of the artists mentioned in the story, as well as the educational facilities teaching Digital Holography and AIR Programs mentioned as well.
Holographic Artist Web Sites
Pepi Buitrago www.holonet.khm.de/Buitrago/Nobody.html
Melissa Crenshaw   holonet.khm.de
Paula Dawson       www.pauladawson.com.au
Jacques Desbiens   www.i-jacques.com
Ron English popaganda.com/pressRelease_3Dmotion.shtml
Mike Finnegan www.michaelfinegan.com
Ya-Ling Huang hologram.idv.st
Dieter Jung    jungdieter.com
Juyong Lee www.holocenter.or.kr/index2.htm
Waldemar Mattis-Teutsch  www.holonet.khm.de/mt/Beat/print.html
Meats Meier www.3dartspace.com
Martina Mrongovius www.holonet.khm.de/martina/index.html
Ikuo Nakamura www.holonet.khm.de
Christine Remy www.christineremyart.com/holograms.html#
Martin Richardson  www.martin-richardson.com
Samuel Saunders    www.samuelsaunders.com
Doris Vila www.vilamedia.com/gallery.html
David Warren zipsisterholography.com/projects.html
Educational Facilities teaching Digital Holography and AIR Programs
De Montfort University, UK www.dmu.ac.uk/research/aad/photo/index.jsp
The Holocenter - New York holocenter.home.mindspring.com/html/aboutus_info.html
The Holocenter  - Korea www.holocenter.or.kr
Hologram 3D Image Laboratory at Kun Shan University, Taiwan hologram.idv.st
KHM  www.holonet.khm.de/khm/index.html
OCAD www.photoniximaging.com (contact Michael Page)
University of Toronto www.optics.utoronto.ca