Issue: Volume: 24 Issue: 11 (November 2001)

Think3 Enhances Global Shape Modeling

Thinkdesign 7.0's new GSM features include a capping command that allows for the quick creation of difficult-to-model "capping" surfaces, such as the ends of toothbrushes and razors. Further GSM improvements are surface optimization, by which the software automatically de ter mines the best possible surface ac cording to a user's constraints, and global bend and other bend constraints, which make it easier for users to modify complex shapes, including those with "difficult" intersections-where two curves, meet, for example. Version 7.0 has also expanded its speech input capability, so that all commands across the system (rather than a partial list) are speech enabled. Other interface improvements are industry-specific UI palettes, such as those for moldmaking or machine design; and an expanded selection list browser, which allows designers to turn design options off or on. A Web browser module from thinkteam, think3's PDM package, is also included with thinkdesign.

The software runs on Windows systems and costs $1995 for an annual subscription. An advanced surfacing module, thinkshape, costs $1995 as well. (think3; -JD