Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max Productivity Reports
July 28, 2010

Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max Productivity Reports

Autodesk Inc. has announced the publication of four research reports from Pfeiffer Consulting quantifying the specific performance, productivity, and efficiency gains of Autodesk Maya 2011 and Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 software, as compared to specific earlier versions. Benchmark tests indicate that, in common 3D workflow situations, the new features and enhancements in the 2011 releases can help yield a return on investment (ROI) of nearly US$20,000 per year, per workstation for Maya and as much as $16,000 per year, per workstation for 3ds Max.
The four research reports consist of two comprehensive ROI studies and two user-workflow productivity studies:
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 Market Perspectives, Productivity and Return on Investment
Autodesk Maya 2011 Market Perspectives, Productivity and Return on Investment
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011: Productivity Benchmarks
Autodesk Maya 2011: Productivity Benchmarks

To view the reports, or to learn more about how Autodesk’s 2011 Digital Entertainment Creation solutions are helping artists to be more creative, productive and efficient, visit

An in-depth description of the methodology, system configurations, comprehensive benchmark description and results of the Pfeiffer reports are available at