Okino Ships 2011 Version of SolidWorks CAD Conversion System
February 1, 2011

Okino Ships 2011 Version of SolidWorks CAD Conversion System

Toronto, Canada - Okino Computer Graphics has updated its SolidWorks CAD conversion system for SolidWorks 2011. The latest version is now available to current customers still within their valid maintenance period.
The conversion pipeline enables native SolidWorks BREP CAD assembly, part, and presentation files (disk-based, or from a live running copy of SolidWorks) to be converted to all major animation and authoring packages, 3D downstream file formats, and VisSim programs.

Okino's NuGraf and PolyTrans software import crack-free geometry, hierarchy, and materials (assembly data) from native disk-based SolidWorks files or from a running copy of SolidWorks, and subsequently provide high-end rendering, viewing, and scene composition of the data, or have the data optimized and then pipelined into major 3D file formats, animation packages, and third-party/OEM integrations.

SolidWorks assemblies, parts, and presentations can be directly imported into all key animation systems, such as 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage, Cinema4D, and Lightwave, as well as any third-party product, which integrates Okino's PolyTrans 3D converters and all major downstream file formats ranging from Collada to DWF-3D to SketchUp and more.

CP3 Scooter Concept Image. SolidWorks to Cinema-4D via Okino’s PolyTrans|CAD System.
Artist: Christoph Bodensieck, © 2011 Industrial PDD & Switch Mobility.

You may already be using the Okino’s SolidWorks conversion system and not know it. Okino licenses, resells and/or integrates its CAD conversion system with many OEM and third-party companies/products such as: 3DCreate (by Visual Components), Cinema4D and its “Engineering Bundle” (by Maxon Computer), EON Reality, NGRAIN military training products, Pytha (by CATS Software), Quest-3D (by Act-3D), VirTools (“4DC” .nmo pipeline by Realicon), and others who wish to remain anonymous.

In addition to direct import of optimized SolidWorks CAD assemblies to the many Okino-supported 3D programs as noted above, the CAD data can be transparently converted into such common downstream 3D file formats, such as COLLADA, DirectX, DGN, DXF/DWG, DWF-3D, FACT, FilmBox (FBX), HOOPS HSF, JT, Lightwave, NGRAIN, Open GL C Code, OpenFlight, PLY, POV Ray, Renderman RIB, Rhino-3D/OpenNURBS, Shockwave-3D (Adobe Director), SketchUp, STL, U3D, VET, VRML1/VRML2/X3D/SGI-Inventor2, Wavefront OBJ, XAML-3D, XGL, and 3D Studio .3ds. Perfect tolerance-based animation and skinning cross conversion is also provided where applicable.

Okino licenses its suite of native, CAD modules in the Dual-CAD-Granite/Pack for US $510 (minus native JT and CATIA). The SolidWorks conversion pipeline is available by itself in the CAD/Pack for US $245.

“Our SolidWorks 3D data conversion system is by far our most popular and requested CAD conversion pipeline software,” says Robert Lansdale, president and CEO of Okino Computer Graphics Inc. “We have dedicated a great deal of effort into making our SolidWorks 3D import conversion, repurposing, and rendering pipeline the best in the industry over the last 14+ years. Our pipeline solution allows complete SolidWorks parts and assemblies to be converted cleanly and professionally to all other major 3D file formats, animation packages, and visual simulation programs. It also allows all disparate departments of large enterprise companies (such as engineering, design, marketing, and support) to exchange product data without the need to rebuild their CAD datasets--downstream uses include product documentation and manual creation, animation and rendering software, visual communication and review of data, and for accessing easier to manipulate versions of the original CAD datasets. We also have kept prices affordable for all of our CAD solutions, including free support and maintenance.”