Autodesk AutoCAD Exchange Connects Global User Community
December 22, 2009

Autodesk AutoCAD Exchange Connects Global User Community

San Rafael, Calif. - AutoCAD Exchange, a comprehensive online community for AutoCAD users, has received nearly 300,000 unique visitors from more than 200 countries around the world. Since its introduction by Autodesk Inc. in March 2009, the AutoCAD Exchange has become the premier global resource for users to network, share, and learn more about the AutoCAD family of products, says a company representative.
AutoCAD Exchange is a content-rich destination for all AutoCAD software users from industries including manufacturing, architecture and construction to network with fellow users, connect with experts, access tips and learning material such as tutorials and Autodesk University courseware, and provide feedback to AutoCAD product developers. One of the most active areas of the site is “Ask the Expert,” which provides a forum for AutoCAD users and CAD experts to discuss topics such as CAD manager best practices and user tips. There are roughly 50 different dialogues in a given week. In September 2009, Creg Dieziger, senior engineering technician, Morrison-Maierle, Inc., had one of the most popular “Ask the Expert” sessions, with more than 50 questions about topics ranging from technical “how-tos” to advice on specific projects.

“As a professor, I need to stay constantly up-to-date on AutoCAD, and the AutoCAD Exchange is a one-stop destination for me to keep learning and expanding my AutoCAD skills and knowledge,” said Sunith Babu, CAD professor, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology. “The world of design is constantly evolving, and the AutoCAD Exchange is a key resource on how to increase productivity with new capabilities in the 2010 software, including 3D design. AutoCAD Exchange regularly opens my eyes to new and different ways to use AutoCAD.”

Autodesk is constantly refreshing the content on the AutoCAD Exchange to provide the most relevant and comprehensive multimedia tips, eLearning tools and CAD information. Current and upcoming features include:
• “Ask the Expert” featuring Robert Stein, Autodesk Manufacturing; and Sean Campbell, Zahl-Ford, Inc. Structural Investigators & Consultants. You can ask these experts questions now through the end of December at
• New AutoCAD tips from:
o David Byrnes, author of the “AutoCAD for Dummies” book series
o Heidi Hewett, AutoCAD technical marketing, gives the latest tips for AutoCAD 2010 users
o David Cohn, CAD expert, gives tips around parametrics
o Guillermo Melatoni provides the latest AutoCAD 3D tips

“The AutoCAD Exchange has become an indispensable tool for engineers, designers and CAD managers, allowing them to easily interact with peers in their field throughout the world to share experiences, get advice and grow their AutoCAD expertise,” said Guri Stark, vice president, AutoCAD and Platform Products. “The AutoCAD Exchange also gives Autodesk an invaluable forum to connect daily with our users so we can see and hear about the unique projects that they’re creating with AutoCAD, which ultimately helps us better address their design software needs.”

To connect with the AutoCAD user community, visit